Author: Sam Clark
Page: 2
Bah, humbug! It appears as though the cinematic holiday season begins with a lump of coal rather than a brightly wrapped, bow-tied gift. Around this time of year, we always get your average cheesy, hallmark romcom or family drama that audiences seem to eat up. I, however, do prefer the occasional festive flick that offers […]
I will repeat this more and more as time goes on, but going into a film entirely blind is always more rewarding than going in knowing everything; something I am never able to do as the desire to watch trailers is too great for me. For Piece by Piece, I was somewhat familiar with the […]
When it was announced that Hugh Grant would star in a horror film, many doubted whether his posh, charming reputation would translate to the genre. After all, similar attempts haven’t always been successful—take Hugh Bonneville, known for Downton Abbey, whose performance in Netflix’s horror I Came By fell short for some. However, with Heretic, this […]
Halloween season is finally upon us and what better way to celebrate than watching a scary film to give you a nightmare or two. Here are our top picks: 6: The Descent In 2005, Newcastle born director Neil Marshall took claustrophobia to a whole new level and gave us The Descent, a low-budget and stripped […]
When Borderlands came out earlier this year, alarm bells started going off in my head when the film began with some of the laziest plot exposition I could remember seeing. The unfortunate few who saw the film (I say this because of how catastrophically the film performed at the box-office) will know what a disaster […]
Simple ideas are often a goldmine within horror but only if you can pull it off. 2022’s ‘Smile’ proved this. Taking such a basic premise and then turning it into some form of horror is something that this genre excels at. I’m sure I can speak for most people when I say that there is […]
Having paid very close attention to what was recently announced at the most recent Disney Expo, I could not help but a feel a crushing sense that any creativity and originality is all but dead. Pointless cash grabs with nothing but remakes, sequels, prequels, and live-action remakes – the worst of all. How lovely it […]

Hooray! We finally have another Transformers film that is honourable to its source material. Despite their financial success, the occasional moment of impressive spectacle and the 12A certificate, Michael Bay’s films embarrassingly tarnished the brand name with one installment after the other being so spectacularly misjudged in who they were supposed to be aimed at. […]