Welcome to our new podcast network. Spark Podcasts is the home to brand new shows from our volunteer team and students in media and journalism at the University of Sunderland. Below are our most recent episodes but the full seasons are right here on the website too. Shows are produced by our amazing volunteer team but also students from media and journalism courses at the University of Sunderland. Follow the links to the shows above, or hear some samples here
Talking Tunes / Getting to Know You. Produced by students on MA Radio, Audio and Podcasting
Word on Wearside. Produced by students on 2nd year BA courses in Journalism
Sparkademics. A show about researchers at the University of Sunderland, produced by students on MA Radio, Audio and Podcasting
Spark Reunited. A show celebrating 25 years of us (Spark) Also produced by students on MA Radio, Audio and Podcasting