When is it truly too early to put decorations up for Christmas?
Written by Thomas Bullock on 4th November 2022
With Halloween over and Christmas fast approaching its time to transition from spooky season to festive season.
There has always been debate for when it is socially acceptable to decorate for Christmas, with the eager among us choosing to decorate as early as after Halloween, others choose to wait as late as Christmas Eve.
So, Spark has gone out to Sunderland to ask the people the age old question: “When do you think it is too early to start decorating?”

Credit: Alamy
A pharmacy student at Sunderland University said: “Any time before November 1st. Once November 1st hits and the Mariah Carey music comes on, it’s just Christmas season.”
Jessica, 22, said: “Now! My mom is putting up her Christmas tree now and it’s so ridiculous. I feel like the first week of December is the perfect time.”
Shenna, 20, nursing student, said: “I think it’s too early before Halloween. People who put up Christmas decorations over Halloween are just ridiculous. I think now is a good time.”
Bryan, 27 retail worker, said: “Now. You still need about a couple weeks.”
Austin said: “For me December 20th. That will be fine. During that time is a good time, because it is just a few days from the Xmas season.”
Chris, 46 said: “It’s not up to me, you can decorate when you want. But, for me I wouldn’t go before December.”
When do you think is the perfect time to get the tinsel and tree out? Let us know on Twitter @sparksunderland.