Eurovision 2022: Jérémie Makiese – Miss You Review
Written by Callum Rowe on 10th March 2022

Jérémie Makiese walks the well-trodden, Belgian Bond-esque path with his Eurovision entry Miss You.
Makiese is undoubtedly a strong vocalist and his singing carries the rhythm of the song through the entirety of the first verse and chorus. It’s a compliment to just how captivating his voice is. Come the second verse a groove is injected into the song from nowhere that carries the slow and enticing rhythm to a new level.
It’s not all fantastic. The track really is dated by about two decades and the chorus – despite packing a good feeling – doesn’t carry a worthy hook. It could genuinely be a verse to the untrained ear.
A case of what could have been. Despite starting out with good intentions, Miss You is wide of the mark and lets itself down before letting listeners down.