Eurovision 2022: Konstrakta – In Corpore Sano Review

Written by on 10th March 2022

Image Credit – PGP RTS

“What is the secret behind Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?” is a question posed by the smallest cross section of society so just why Konstrakta opened her song In Corpore Sano (English: Healthy Body) with that line is anyone’s guess.

The track is an abomination of music credibility. It genuinely poses questions about Meghan Markle’s hair before talking about the links between dark circles around eyes and liver issues.

The chorus is ritualistic with nothing in the way of a hook despite it repeating the same line time after time. It’s infuriating to listen to.

In Corpore Sano should be confined to a dusty, locked drawer in a music producer’s studio.

Current track


