Eurovision 2022: S10 – De Diepte Review
Written by Callum Rowe on 3rd March 2022
Dutch isn’t a language that features heavily on the playlists of the masses but S10’s De Diepte (English: The Depth) makes the often-unsavoury language perfectly digestible for the most judgmental of linguistic analysers.
Di Diepte begins with an acoustic guitar that could be taken from a demo of Travis’ Flowers in the Window. This isn’t indicative of where the track will end up as the chorus’ contrasting blend of S10’s soft vocals and a low-tempo, bass-infused beat is perfectly set up to create a moment on the Eurovision stage.
Aside from the possibility of an on-stage moment, the tempo invites little catchiness and doesn’t really allow the track to be an earworm.
Di Diepte may do more for those who are more easily emotionally swayed. The track has its strengths and weaknesses with neither seeming to enormously outweigh the other.