Norah’s North Pole asks for donations for those forgotten at Christmas
Written by Kris Quinn on 6th December 2021

A North East charity has made an appeal for donations of toys and clothes for babies and teenagers.
Norah’s North Pole is a family-run operation that aims to deliver Christmas presents to children of less fortunate families who otherwise would not receive anything.
Although they received a record number of donations in 2020 and expect close to the same again this year, they have yet to see an increase in donations aimed at babies and teenagers and are running out of time to organise as packing the presents is set to begin soon.
Organiser Sarah Imrie said: “People tend to forget about babies and teenagers when donating as when most people think about children at Christmas they think about children, five-year-olds to 10-year-olds.”

Norah’s North Pole was set up in 2016 and works with local schools to ensure the most vulnerable children do not miss out on a Christmas so many take for granted. Donations of clothing and toys suitable for anyone from babies to young adults are welcome.
Sarah added: “Many families are having to make the choice between food or buying presents for Christmas so we are fortunate to be able to help others.”
Norah’s North Pole has received over 47,000 donations to date, raising awareness on social media.
Mother of four Rachel Stubbs said: “I often donate my son’s old toys and clothes to charity and it never really crossed my mind to donate baby clothes and they usually end up thrown out.”
There is still time to make donations to Norah’s North Pole, details about the organisation and how to donate can be found here.