Police “not complacent” as North East football arrests increase amid countrywide rises

Written by on 17th May 2024

A police superintendent has said that supporter safety is “paramount” after North East football grounds saw an 18% increase in football related arrests from 2021-2023.

The data, which was obtained via Freedom of Information (FOI) requests submitted by Spark to Northumbria and Cleveland police, follows a trend around England and Wales which saw the highest number of football related arrests since the 2013/14 season.

Out of the three major teams in the North East, arrests at Sunderland’s Stadium of Light rose the most. The Black Cats’ football-related arrests doubled between the two campaigns going from 31 in 2021/22 to 62 in 2022/23. 

Football related arrests at Newcastle United’s St James’ Park also rose by 14% in that timeframe. 

The most common reasons for arrest were Drunk and Disorderly, Possession of Fireworks and Section 4 Public Order among various other crimes.

Reacting to the figures, Superintendent Jamie Pitt, of Northumbria Police told Spark: “Football fans in the North East are among the most passionate and knowledgeable in the country, and we are incredibly proud of the excellent relationship we have with our clubs, supporter groups and fans more widely.

 “The overwhelming majority of those who attend matches do so responsibly and safely. However, where examples of anti-social behaviour or criminality do occur, we are committed to working alongside the clubs to ensure anyone responsible is dealt with swiftly and robustly.

 “That is only possible through effective partnership working. Football banning orders are among many tactics we use in partnership with the clubs to tackle and deter disorder on matchdays, as well as crucial early intervention work with young people to prevent long-term offending.”

Home Office records show that there were 2,264 football related arrests in the 2022/23 season, the highest the figure has been in almost a decade following a steady decline and low numbers during the season hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic where fans were not permitted to attend (2020/21).

“We were pleased that our clubs here in the North East did not feature highly in comparison to some other areas of the UK,” Supt Pitt said.

London-based club West Ham United had the most fans arrested with 89, a title they have held for the second successive year. North West side Manchester United (83) and Yorkshire’s Leeds United (69) rounded out the three biggest offenders.

“We are not complacent and it must be reiterated that the safety of spectators is paramount,” Supt Pitt added.

“We will continue to work with everyone to ensure the matchday experience is as safe and enjoyable as possible for all.”

The only major North East team that saw a decrease was Middlesbrough FC. The Riverside Stadium’s football related arrests dropped by 28% from the 2021/22 season to the end of 2022/23 – going from 52 to 37.

Cleveland Police have been contacted for a comment.

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