Dying When Obese

Written by on 19th December 2024

This episode of Word on Wearside is made in collaboration with The Final Nail Podcast.

We all know how complicated and expensive dying can be, but what if you have a few extra stone?

As a death enthusiast, and someone with a family who suffers from obesity and obesity related illnesses, Meena Green (your guide in all things dearth and burial) was thinking a lot about the difficulties that could occur with dying obese – especially now, with body positivity and health-at-any-size influencers popping up on her social social media feed.

Meena spoke with Funeral Director Daniel Ackerley, and embalmer Scott Grigsby, to find out what it means to die when obese.

The team behind this episode:

  • Meena Green

Word on Wearside is a Spark Sunderland podcast, produced by journalism students at the University of Sunderland. With teaching supervision by Lecturer in Audio, Jay Sykes.

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