Horror films

Halloween season is finally upon us and what better way to celebrate than watching a scary film to give you a nightmare or two. Here are our top picks: 6: The Descent In 2005, Newcastle born director Neil Marshall took claustrophobia to a whole new level and gave us The Descent, a low-budget and stripped […]

By Chloe Short Horror films have been around for decades now. Starting off with the black and white classics, moving to the dark slashers of the 70s, then the zany B-movies of the 80s. But what about the 2000s? This decade seems to be making a comeback aesthetically, so why not in terms of films […]

By Ben Hanson Horror is a genre which has swept the globe and made people have nightmares throughout many households. As a result, society is always searching for the next big cultural phenomenon. This list names new and old movies from slashers to paranormal allowing something for every form of horror fan. Halloween (1978) To […]

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