
More than 40 years ago, the New Hollywood cinema movement was surging forward, churning out classics of such magnitude as Apocalypse Now and Dirty Harry hitting the silver screen. Behind some of the most famous lines and sequences of these films was screenwriter and director, John Milius. Whilst the likes of Francis Ford Coppola, Stephen […]

Halloween season is finally upon us and what better way to celebrate than watching a scary film to give you a nightmare or two. Here are our top picks: 6: The Descent In 2005, Newcastle born director Neil Marshall took claustrophobia to a whole new level and gave us The Descent, a low-budget and stripped […]

By Ben Hanson Horror is a genre which has swept the globe and made people have nightmares throughout many households. As a result, society is always searching for the next big cultural phenomenon. This list names new and old movies from slashers to paranormal allowing something for every form of horror fan. Halloween (1978) To […]

Cinema chain Omniplex is looking for a general manager in Sunderland after the council signed a lease with a new cinema operator. Despite Sunderland’s film industry advancements, including plans for a major film and TV studio, the city remains without a multiplex cinema. There has been no official news on the new owner of the […]

By Joseph Lynch  Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – five words that can conflict a conversation. The original Star Wars trilogy reigned the silver screen from 1977 to 1983. The characters were immensely compelling, the fight scenes were stupendously crafted, and the level of poignancy and emotional depth that was applied was so strong that […]

By George Puckey Set in 1994-5 South Africa after many years of fighting for the civil rights of black Africans, this movie depicts the first year of Nelson Mandela’s rule as Prime Minister over what many considered to be a broken country, split in two.  Directed by Clint Eastwood in 2009, Invictus shows how Mandela’s […]

The best stories are eternal. They work in all ages. Charles Dickens’ novel and stories have never lost their popularity. One of the reasons for this, of course, is that Dickens’ themes are universal. He might be writing about the mid-19th Century but his messages are still relevant today. Perhaps the most relevant is A […]

David O. Russell’s latest foray into 30s noir has fallen spectacularly short, leaving this reviewer unfulfilled and confused. Murder mystery Amsterdam follows the characters of kooky doctor Burt Berendsen (Christian Bale) and credited lawyer Harold Woodman (John David Washington) as they seek to clear their name for the murder of Liz Meekins (Taylor Swift). However, […]

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