Eurovision 2022: Stefan – Hope Review
Written by Callum Rowe on 14th February 2022
Country music seldom graces the Eurovision stage and with good reason. Stefan hasn’t listened to that good reason and his song Hope isn’t going to open the floodgates either.
The track’s opening seconds sound like they’ve been lifted straight from a country and western movie and that’s a compliment to nobody. A showdown drum and accompanying whistling packs the stuffiness and predictability of a dusty, smoke-filled saloon in the American midwest.
Although the song’s message is rather literal, come the second chorus Hope does do something to lure in the faded interest. It’s hard to say what that something is but it is something after all.
Hope is a pop song wearing a country mask. If it took the mask off it would have the potential to be an earworm. But while the mask is still on it’s still fading into the background of its dusty saloon.