By calling 0191 359 2459 and contacting Spark you are giving consent to your voice being used, recorded, and broadcast on-air whilst participating in the programme. If you do not wish to be on air, you must not call this number. Callers will be screened beforehand by volunteers and/or the producer, these call screenings will be recorded for evidence of your consent. The call screener will ask you for some personal details such as age & gender this, however, is voluntary & only used for extra information to pass to the producer & presenter, you do not have to share this information if you do not wish. You can remain anonymous on air if you so choose, please state this to the call screener. Once you are on air, your calls will be broadcast live & also recorded for future use in possible repeats & use on social media/other online output. 

Participation is entirely voluntary. If you change your mind about taking part in the programme, you can withdraw at any point by ending the call without giving a reason and without penalty. Be aware however that once on air, the programme is broadcast live & will therefore be in the public sphere. 

As a station, and therefore programme, we are regulated by OFCOM, and stand by their guidelines on content & discussion of sensitive topics/offensive language. We will not tolerate any discussion of illegal activities. By calling, you consent to the understanding of OFCOM’s guidelines and understand that if you affect our ability to follow these rules, your call will be terminated. OFCOM guidelines can be found here: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv-radio-and-on-demand/broadcast-codes/broadcast-code

We take your privacy very seriously at Spark & we adhere to the University of Sunderland privacy policy. You can read here details on how we will store any data collected from you & protect your privacy. https://www.sparksunderland.com/privacy/ – As stated, by taking part in the programme you are consenting to this data being collected and understand how it will be stored & used. More details can be found at the previous link, but to make clear for this project, any information taken, including your phone number, will be stored within an encrypted state of the art phone-in software & not removed. We will destroy any data after the project is complete and/or within 30 days. If you DO NOT want your phone number to be stored in our directory, please make this known to the call screener.

Be aware that discussions in the programme may be quoted within a written evaluation for the project & used within academic work.

Here at Spark, we take your feedback on what we are doing very seriously. If you have any concerns about the project or what you hear on-air, the first point of contact should be the producers: 

Kai Valentine – kai.valentine@sparksunderland.com 

Hayden Beckett – hayden.beckett@sparksunderland.com

Alternatively, you can follow Spark’s guidance on complaints and concerns. If you wish to complain about anything you hear, watch or read, please follow this link: https://www.sparksunderland.com/complaints/. – this link has the contact details of the Station Manager Richard Berry, who is also the academic tutor of this project, for this project please contact: Richard.berry@sunderland.ac.uk.

If you have any further concerns, you may contact:

Doctor John Fulton (Chair of the University of Sunderland Research Ethics Group, University of Sunderland) Email: john.fulton@sunderland.ac.uk Phone: 0191 515 2529

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